Thursday, 7 June 2007

Jeff Buckley

Okay so I have this crazy theory. You know how certain people say that there is one person meant for everyone? Well, I think that mine was Jeff Buckley, I was just born at the wrong time, or his unfortunate aquatic accident was never meant to be. I mean, the man was perfect. So now, there is no-one for me, and I feel that it is my destiny to die, old and alone, with holes in the elbows of my cardigans and hundreds of cats. Maybe I'll smell funny, wear smeared lipstick and mumble to myself too, but I haven't decided on that for sure yet. My boyfriend isn't a great fan of this theory of mine, but I can't help it, it's an act of the Gods, and I have been rendered completely powerless.

Sometimes I wonder if my Buckley obsession scares/irritates people. Then I realise that if someone is afraid/irritated then they are clearly mad, because they are not obsessed with Jeff Buckley. So really, I'm the sane one in this equation.

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